Saturday, May 23, 2009

It's Been A While!!!! But We Are LID!!!

I never thought we would get here to being
LID! I really thought it would go much faster
but with all this new Hague stuff. It does
take a while. We were DTC on 05/01/09 and
LID 05/21/09. I'm in the midst of trying
to figure out what I want to do for the
new blog. I not 100% sold on the title
though! So we will see. I was told that
we should expect to get a LOA in the next
90-days or so. Katie will turn 2 in the
next few weeks. We are very excited about
her comming home. The baby shower is going
to be 09/12/09. I cant wait it will be a
family shower this time!

Time to update Allie's blog!!

Happy Memorial Day!!

Sindy xx