Saturday, May 23, 2009

It's Been A While!!!! But We Are LID!!!

I never thought we would get here to being
LID! I really thought it would go much faster
but with all this new Hague stuff. It does
take a while. We were DTC on 05/01/09 and
LID 05/21/09. I'm in the midst of trying
to figure out what I want to do for the
new blog. I not 100% sold on the title
though! So we will see. I was told that
we should expect to get a LOA in the next
90-days or so. Katie will turn 2 in the
next few weeks. We are very excited about
her comming home. The baby shower is going
to be 09/12/09. I cant wait it will be a
family shower this time!

Time to update Allie's blog!!

Happy Memorial Day!!

Sindy xx

1 comment:

Donna said...

How exciting! We were LID in May of 06 and traveled a few months later and brought home our virtual twin who (at the time) had just turned two. So this feels like dejavu to me!

After they're home, the time FLIES! Enjoy your time alone with Allie because everything changes when you add a 2nd child! I was amazed that two kids was more than twice the work! Phew! Hee hee... but it's (mostly) all good!


Our Blog: Double Happiness!